Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers

My dear readers,

Although I wrote in my last entry (below) that The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers magazine would return with its AUGUST 2009 issue, I am sorry to inform you that since August 1st I have been on a much-needed vacation after 3 years without taking one.

So now my magazine will be back online after OCTOBER 1st, 2009. And I will definitely notify you once the webmistress, and my assistant, has uploaded The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers to my site in October.

I have to say that 2009 has truly been an interesting and crazy year so far -- with some bad things happening and some good.

One of the good things was my husband & I adopting a Shih Tzu dog after years of having only our cats Tiger, Smokey and Cordy. The bad thing was our cat Tiger dying January 15th at 11 years, 10 months old. However, although our Tiger is gone eight months now, our Smokey six years, we still think of both of them every single day despite loving our new dog Nikko and our remaining cat Cordy very much.
Right now I'm looking forward to once again publishing my magazine, The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers, which I'll start working on the last two weeks of this month! Until my magazine's return, enjoy what remains of this warm weather as much as my husband, our 'babies' and I are.

~Rosanne Catalano
The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers, an Internet literary magazine

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