Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Palmetto PoisonPalmetto Poison by C. Hope Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An excellent read I highly recommend even if you do not like to read mysteries. Luckily, I do love reading mysteries and crime fiction novels, because C. Hope Clark's book series does not disappoint at all. I give Hope's third book in her Carolina Slade Mystery Series a 5-Star rating because 'Palmetto Poison' is just as thrilling and can't-put-downable as her first two Carolina Slade mystery novels. Which, yes, I also read and highly recommend too! I cannot wait to read Book #4 in C. Hope Clark's mystery series! I think she is writing that now; at least I am wishing to read more about 'Carolina Slade' and from C. Hope Clark. In all of the author's Carolina Slade Mysteries, she has you truly caring about and loving all of the characters - whether they're bad people or good people, whether they're the loved ones of Carolina Slade or not. If you want to read a fantastic mystery series, read all three (3) of C. Hope Clark's 'Carolina Slade Mystery' novels. 'Palmetto Poison,' like the author's other two (2) books - 'Lowcountry Bribe' and 'Tidewater Murder' - will keep you up at night and will not leave your head even long after you have finished reading them.

View all my reviews

Friday, May 16, 2014

Womens Liberation and the Bicycle

Interesting! I thought women learning to drive would have more to do with Womens Liberation, not the bicycle.

Monday, May 12, 2014

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