Friday, November 20, 2009

Our "Comeback" Issue Is Online!

The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers magazine is back!!!

Yes you read that right :) With our October/November 2009 magazine issue, we have returned to publishing The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers. Only now the magazine will be every other month rather than monthly.

It feels great to be back publishing!

While The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers was on a brief hiatus, however, I wrote more in my upcoming book although the book is still not ready for publication. I'll let you know as soon as it becomes available for you to purchase!

In the meantime, do check out The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers' "comeback issue" at

Enjoy my October/November '09 magazine, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers, an
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Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers

My dear readers,

Although I wrote in my last entry (below) that The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers magazine would return with its AUGUST 2009 issue, I am sorry to inform you that since August 1st I have been on a much-needed vacation after 3 years without taking one.

So now my magazine will be back online after OCTOBER 1st, 2009. And I will definitely notify you once the webmistress, and my assistant, has uploaded The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers to my site in October.

I have to say that 2009 has truly been an interesting and crazy year so far -- with some bad things happening and some good.

One of the good things was my husband & I adopting a Shih Tzu dog after years of having only our cats Tiger, Smokey and Cordy. The bad thing was our cat Tiger dying January 15th at 11 years, 10 months old. However, although our Tiger is gone eight months now, our Smokey six years, we still think of both of them every single day despite loving our new dog Nikko and our remaining cat Cordy very much.
Right now I'm looking forward to once again publishing my magazine, The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers, which I'll start working on the last two weeks of this month! Until my magazine's return, enjoy what remains of this warm weather as much as my husband, our 'babies' and I are.

~Rosanne Catalano
The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers, an Internet literary magazine

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers Is On A Brief Hiatus

First I'd like to say that it looks like my 51st birthday wish to raise funds for The Animal Rescue Site was somewhat of a bust although not a total one ... hence the reason I have officially stopped celebrating my birthday. But I will fundraise for this worthwhile cause next year! So I thank everyone who did donate or checked out my birthday wish cause, The Animal Rescue Site. Not raising as much money for The Animal Rescue Site as I would have liked is fine because I know things in life don't always work out like we planned or would like them to. I still contribute to this cause by clicking every day on their site's purple button to help God's little creatures.

Second, if you don't already know that The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers has been on a brief hiatus for the months of March, April, May, June and July, I am informing you here. Our brief hiatus is due to extensive technical problems with my computer, my website and the actual magazine's ability to be uploaded to my site. My assistant, Nancy, and I are working on resolving these technical issues with my magazine. And we will definitely be back in August 2009!

Also, I promise that upon our return I will try to write more on here. So please stay tuned for the AUGUST 2009 issue of The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers! Thank you my dear readers for your patience and understanding in this matter.

Rosanne Catalano
Publisher / Editor/ Author
The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers E-zine TM
an Internet based literary magazine

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

A publisher's Birthday Wish for a worthy cause!

Dear Readers:

Although Rosanne Catalano, the publisher & editor of The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers, is still on hiatus she is requesting, for the first time in our magazine's 5 year history, your help in fulfilling a birthday wish she recently made!

Her birthday wish is to raise at least $51.00 (her upcoming age) to help the vulnerable members of our society, our animal companions. We realize times are rough for everybody financially, however, you can also sign up at The Animal Rescue Site to click for 'free' everyday to help a rescued shelter animal; the site's corporate sponsors fund every 'free' click. But let's try to fulfill Rosanne's birthday wish to raise $51.00 for this worthwhile cause!

Please go to the link below today, and thank you one and all:

The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers E-zine TM
an Internet based literary magazine

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