Monday, October 07, 2013

Author Academy 101

I am sharing the Author Academy 101 webinar of a friend of mine:

As it turned out, Denise's webinar is not for me since I am writing a fiction novel. But it may be for you if you're writing a nonfiction how-to or personal growth book! See below for further info on Denise Michaels and her webinar...

Denise Michaels

Hi Rosanne - my "Author Academy 101" six week webinar program is to help you write your how-to or personal growth book. 

The program starts Thur Oct 17 at 3:30 pm pacific time. To register and pay for the program go to:

For those going, enjoy Denise's webinar!


Founder & Publisher
The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers Magazine


Unknown said...

Thanks for telling your readers about this, Rosanne. I've changed the start date and time to Thursday Oct. 17th at 3:30 pm Pacific time. Just seemed to work better for the people registering.

As Rosanne says the program is for people writing how-to and personal growth books. Generally I get consultants, coaches, speakers, trainers, therapists and healers. Writing your book positions you as a fierce, trusted, go-to expert.

Unknown said...

Hi Denise, thanks for letting me know about the change in the start date and time! I corrected it above. I agree that writing a book positions consultants, coaches, speakers, trainers, therapists and healers as fierce, trusted, go-to-experts. And I know those who attend will get a lot of excellent info from your webinar!

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